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Important Shift Podcast, #3

2 months ago

Important Shi(f)t Podcast, #3
Empaths & Boundaries

Sarah Bennett and Taryn Wayne are "Conservative," Spiritual Practitioners, in a 3-Way Marriage. They talk about life, the Multi-verse, politics, the Spiritual Realms, Et's, the latest "conspiracies," and any and all things in between. Sarah and Taryn bring their unique perspectives to current issues and discuss the Important Shift and Sh*t that is happening in the world today.

~ Definition of Empath (from Brave Browser AI)

~ Taryn and Sarah’s personal experiences of being Empaths, and encountering Boundary infringement

~ How facial recognition problems can be explained from a Spiritual Empath perspective

~ How traumas and “defects” can become our Superpowers!

~ Empathic Boundary Issues…

~ Problem of Empaths forcing others to confront their own issues before they’re ready

~ Empaths sharing emotions with others and becoming “victimized” by the other person’s emotional state

~ The importance of the Empath in understanding their own triggers, and how it can actually empower the Empath

~ How taking responsibility for your own “victimhood,” returns the power back to you

~ When someone is encroaching on your boundaries, and the Empath can’t hold the boundary…often times with people who have Narcissistic tendancies

~ Narcissistic parasitic feeding off of the Empath and when it is time to cut them loose/ end the “relationship”

~ No means NO

~ The extremely hard case when the boundary transgressions happen with bosses or family members, and how guilt programming works against the Empath

~ How tolerating boundary transgressions with one person can set the tone for others to invade

~ How the Empath’s own unresolved issues can lead to boundary transgressions by others and being taken advantage of you

~ How once a boundary is set, it must then be ENFORCED to uphold your own integrity, without giving the person excuses

~ How much abuse is too much abuse in a work or family relationship, where it is time to make a huge change in your life like leaving the job or cutting off the family

~ When it is possible to save a relationship by doing the inner work

~ How gaslighting works with abusive relationships and the extended people around the abusive situation

~ How sovereignty is of the utmost importance to an Empath

~ When a gaslighter is targeting you, how to disallow the emotional abuse and “be the bigger person”

~ The importance of having someone to talk to - friend, family, Spiritual Guide, Therapist, etc. to reflect situations back to you and help you through triggers

~ Teaser: Two World Split

Sarah is a Reiki Master and Sound Healer. Sarah has created Tonic Toning as a profound way to approach transformation and transmutation for the body and mind.

Taryn is a Reiki Master, Channeler, and Certified BQH Practitioner who specializes in working with clients on anything from severe trauma (i.e. sexual, physical, emotional abuse), to Chakra and Aura cleansing, to Superconscious and past life exploration.
Taryn Wayne and Sarah Bennett are the creators of M-Theory Space.

~If you are interested in any of these modalities, we offer private sessions.
Email for appointment and free consultation: tewayne@gmail.com or sarah.bennett307@gmail.com

You may also find us at linktr.ee/mtheoryspace

We look forward to hearing from you!!!

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