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Mike teaches today. 12-21-24

Being who God created us to be

VERSES: 1st Corinthians 13; Proverbs 16:25, 23a; Romans 5:8, 12:1-2

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Treacherous Laban was full of his father’s (satan - John 8:44) spiritual hypocrisy and prays long wordy masking prayers, twisting truth into a lie. Building cover for his selfish self, declaring Jacob’s nature was worse than his own… implying his god better than Jacob’s. Laban’s indignant speech reflects the ‘old man,’ and satan’s bombastic nature… with a lot of deceiving rhetoric, without any real substance. Casting disparaging words upon Jacob and demeaning his Godly character. Like Korah holding forth his own righteousness in a contentious self-righteous affront on God’s anointed. (Numbers 16) Threatening Jacob, trying to intimidate him, trying to question, cause doubt, and weaken Jacob’s believing and trusting of Yahweh. Laban stands, in type, in satan’s usurped position as the accuser of the brethren before God… calling on God to witness and judge Jacob/you for what he describes as his/your shortcomings, sin, behavior, hypocrisy… duplicity. His intent is for disqualifying him/you from God’s hedge of mercy and grace on the grounds of God’s proclaimed laws and justice based upon His proclaimed holiness. But God sees the heart of faith in the face of the enemy’s onslaught.

The New Testament Blood answers to all God’s Covenants with man. (Hebrews 9:12… “Neither by the blood of goats and calves (which pointed to Christ’s Blood), but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”) Abraham’s promises are secured in Christ’s Blood. The sure mercies of David’s Covenant are here for the New Testament Believer as well. (See 2nd Samuel 7:15-16… “But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.”) The New Covenant rests upon the Testator’s/Jesus’ Blood. He has died and has risen. He became what man was so man could become what He is (the perfect reflection/image/likeness of God).

“And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.” [Genesis 28:15]

From a New Testament shadowing type, Jacob had been separated out from among his family, through the Covenant with Abraham and sent on a life-changing journey to be changed by Elohim into His likeness, and to rescue and help others ‘know’ God typed by Rachel and Leah. The end goal of God is to have a ‘Covenant’ people in His image ruling over the Earth. In that, the purpose for Israel was to be a blessing to Gentiles and to live lives that hold forth God’s character.

Laban, in this drama, is representative of; the old man/the flesh, and satan; the enemies of God and His purposes.

Jacob’s prescribed walk in attaining the likeness of God had to do with a ‘grace’/ power provision that is tied inseparably to his grandfather Abraham’s Covenant with God. It is in that Covenant ‘grace’ that Jacob was confronted by God at Bethel, and is how he has been walking and maturing in righteous/faithfulness for the last 20 years, as he was “…being kept by the power of God through faith (not by sinlessness) unto salvation (of the soul) ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1st Peter 1:5) It is in that Covenant grace that Jacob, through faith, has toiled successfully in spiritual and material growth.

At first, in Bethel’s redemption, the ‘old man’ feels unthreatened by the new man… but later, as the new man maintains an uncompromising position under test, trial, and temptation, he encroaches the ground on which the old man considers his, and begins to contrive and connive to resist the advancement of the spirit. The old man/flesh is now resisting the increasing loss of ‘self’-consciousness, in the advancement of the spirit/Spirit, who has heard the voice of Redemption’s heavenly Calling; of “putting off’ the old man (Colossians 3) in Christlikeness, and has determined love’s selflessness.

The surrendering to walk in the spirit/Spirit can be seen in Jacob’s giving heed to the greater calling of God to return to the Promised Land. To stop walking in the communion of the flesh. The old man/flesh (the ‘seed’ of satan) is typed by Laban in this story. The old man begins to do whatever he can to hold on to Jacob, the soul’s conscience, and have a voice in the matter. He first sets forth reasons (excuses) and argues the spirit’s foolishness of complete separation unto God, saying…

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