Peter Boyles Talks New Movie, JFK/CIA Secrets, & Radio Legends! The Peter Boyles Show!! Dec.21, 2024

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Hour 1. Peter Boyles talks with Kevin Flynn - Denver Politician and Author of "The Order" - on writing the book that became the New Movie In Theatres Now. Changes from the Book to the Movie, How Accurate was it?, Bob Matthews' Stories, and a look at Alan Berg's Radio Career and Legacy.

Hour 2. Peter Boyles interviews James Risen (Author of "The Last Honest Man" and "State of War" on Senator Frank Church, JFK/CIA and the Bay of Pigs, Castro and The Russians, Warren Commission vs. Church Committee, and so much more!

Hour 3. Peter Boyles interviews James Risen (Author of "The Last Honest Man" and "State of War" on Senator Frank Church, JFK/CIA and the Bay of Pigs, Castro and The Russians, Warren Commission vs. Church Committee, and so much more!

Hour 4. Hour 4 Brings Open Lines, with Reactions to Today's Guest Interviews! James Risen and Kevin Flynn gave us a memorable show and the Listeners provide Feedback.

Then, a mysterious audio issue caused the show to end abruptly - sorry to callers who we couldn't get on!

Merry Christmas, Peter is back on the 27th!

00:00:00 - Hour 1
00:00:15 Kevin Flynn - Denver City Councilman; Author of "The Order"
01:00:00 - Hour 2
01:02:30 James Risen - Author; "The Last Honest Man"
02:00:00 - Hour 3
02:00:15 James Risen - Author; "The Last Honest Man" Cont.
03:00:00 - Hour 4

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