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Juan O Savin 12/21/24 Video A

1 month ago

Juan O Savin on The Patriot Strong Podcast


  • 0/2000
  • Juan, you truly have the heart of God

  • At timestamp 31:17, Senor Boots says "very few Americans grasp...at a very technical level...there was an agreement as part of the end of the Revolutionary War...where, in spite of our constitution, we were relegated to being a member of the British Commonwealth as a colony and that's never actually been broken. That's why you have a Bar Association...America is still being manipulated from afar..." There are only 4 documents at which to look and Boots' precis appears IN NONE OF THEM: Articles of Confederation 1777, Treaty of Paris [ending the Revolutionary War] 1783, the Constitution of the United States 1787, and the Bill of Rights 1790. Important to note that the Constitution was written and ratified AFTER the treaty ending the war with Britain. These are SHORT DOCUMENTS. There is no place for Boots' precis to hide. It is simply NOT THERE in any of these three documents which then or now carried or now carries the force of law. The patriot double talk is a very old Mississippi Shell Game. Usually, it sounds like it is trying to skate past our notice as do insults brought by COLOR OF LAW. Authoritative sources sounding ever so mature, ever so calmly reasoned, assert that certain things form our reality when they cannot be found in American Sacred Documents, which I define as founders' documents 1774 to 1790 plus Lincoln [in total]. The Brits NEVER stopped the state of war against us, although, for the most part, it took the clandestine form of bribery, extortion, blackmail, and murder. The fact that we have a bar association and call our shysters "esquire," and endure a host of other injuries and insults is merely a matter of fast talk, lawfare, color of law, and the human tendency to not give a shit. If you control the judges, the cops, the reporters, and the coroners, you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time. We need straight talk, clear talk, and a list of things that we must begin doing.

  • 1783 - Thank You ~ Juanuversity!!!!

  • ***Juaniversity I meant TY

  • What an AWESOME show. What an AWESOME host👸 JUAN, AWESOMENESS PERSONIFIED👑 JUAN, THANK YOU. 🙏 YOU, have HELPED ME revitalize my relationship with GOD. GOD WINS...Q 😇

  • Love Juan!!!!! Thank you 💜

  • Idk how anyone could get thru a full episode of 107

  • Wtf , a month or so ago 107 said everyone will be frightened out of their minds on what is about to come. Now it's arrests and a few more years . I don't believe a thing these fukn truth channels say any longer. They are tell us something big is coming and in the words of 107 it won't matter if you stocked up with food and have gold and silver or the right crypto you will be in fear for your life. Now he seeks to be singing a completely different tune. Gtfoh

  • No one believed me when o would say a few years back that this will go on for years and years but that's what is going to happen