13 days ago

VID...10 minutes from WHERE i live the last 15 a very very quiet calm small rural area
my reflection this morning

Merry Christmas the west
the following "ramble".. is "NOT" directed at YOU..of all people cause I know YOU are not like everyone else in the WEST...or ANYONE else who even views it in the WEST... because everyone else in the west is too busy making merry on thier visa and too busy to even read this let alone watch a vid.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
American Retirees Set to Take a Blow to Investment Accounts
Retirement age Americans are set to take a hit from the new law passed by Congress.

AND THAILAND.... is it SAFE? like in canada and america?I 😂😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏🙏

The vid is close to where i live...almost 15 years now !??? ..i'm in a way more rural area..vid is compliments of a very very good friend of mine..go subscribe tell him ffsakes sent he is NOT BITCHUTE RAY...he's rays better looking younger brother maybe?

Endless Journey
86 Subscribers

Thumbnail first week in thailand almost 15 years ago

WHY Thailand?...because my treasued thai wife of almost 15 years is "NOT" at all like the new western woman in any of her beliefs in any way shape nor manner .feminity is not a BAD thing for her at all and does NOT make her weak...never finished high school..she had to leave her village and work and live at a manufacturing plant 10hrs away in bkk age 16 to help support her family back in the village... she now teaches world class level high end meditation both online and private clients .She has written two books on the topic in the last 5 years ..she is the main reason

SAFETY??? where is "safe" unfortunately....."EVERY" country in the world locked down in "LOCKSTEP"... imho the west was worse...crazy is going to escalate further...the world financial manipulated bubble will burst soon is my main can only blow so much air into a balloon...once it bursts it cannot be put back together....BRICS countries will get hit as well but upper middle class and lower in merkha canada europe will get "slaughtered" financially.. all planned... there is NO "developed" middle class in Thailand like western countries per se.. other than bangkok..try and live in bkk..good luck with a few hours away from bkk in any have mostly rural lower very very not western thai wife has a saying common in rural thailand..poor is like wet...once yer wet you can't get any wetter...once youre really can't get any poorer....

70 million people in thailand..supposedly....most are in the lower levels of income if any income at all and uneducated with zero job opportunites..unemployment is off the charts here..forever not just recently...only the small number of upper level has $ to upper educate thier kids...........minimum wage here is 10$...a day..and thats yer starting salary even with a college education in most cases IF you can find a job....a neighbor's daughter has a university degree and an english major..she caddies at a local golf course for min wage and tips.

in a world financial depression currency and markets can't loose what you never had
a job and money for example....western middle class will loose everything...most thais have nothing to loose already..never did...which one do you think are going to be more pissed off??

rural thais live with farms all around "grocery stores..even the poor poor eat "something" every wont be like that in the west...its upside down nutzoid in cities where you can die just walking on the street ALREADY in america. wait for the financial crash!! will be EPIC in merkha

.not so here..I'll watch it all at a safe distance thank you... far far THAILAND
i send you peace' positive energy and'love for you and your family

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