Is God upset over December 25th being Celebrated as Jesus' Birthday?

2 months ago

A Muse is after all, a thought-provoking bit of prose - laid out for consideration and comment - an opinion essentially. So here's mine regarding celebrating Christmas on December 25, along with all (or some) of the traditional trappings that have becomr second nature in today's society. - Join me, won't you, I'll explain along the way a little of how I came to my current thoughts, maybe you'll agree...or not...and maybe I'll bring a little smile to your face if you're not to wound up in "religion" to enjoy a little the abundant life Christ died on Calvary for you to enjoy. over the next few days "Specials" are in the order they are in for a reason...I hope you won't miss any, I'm drawing a picture for you...a lot of reality, and a little bit of imagination. Enjoy and God Bless You!

May God Bless and increase your Prayer life - after all, every good relationship involves "communication," so don't forget to LISTEN too, God has much to say...

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