AAP Live with Frs. Brancich and Rock, FSSP - 12/20/24 - Advent Extravaganza!

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Fr. John Brancich, FSSP is the pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained into the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in 2004.

Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog.

In Today's Show

What is the worst Christmas song?

Why did John the Baptist seem surprised when Jesus was the Son of God?

When the apostles looked into the face of Jesus, was it different than what we would see in the beatific vision?

What is your favorite Christmas traditions?

What is the reason behind the decline in church attendance?

Why did Zacarias lose his speech when he questioned the Angel Gabriel? When Mary questioned Gabriel, nothing happened.

Any suggestions for Christmas gifts that priests would appreciate?

Is a scrupulous person obligated to confess a mortal sin from the past that they forgot to confess?
Do either of the good priests have a memorable moment from past Advents they would share?

Best advice for dealing with family members who don’t practice Catholicism during the Christmas season?

What is your favorite O Antiphon leading up to Christmas?

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