How To Make Homemade Pineapple Juice without a juicer | Drinks Made Easy

30 days ago

How to make homemade pineapple juice without a juicer. It's actually quite simple. To make your homemade pineapple juice, all you need is a ripe pineapple, a blender, some water, and a strainer. Enjoy! Pineapple is the king of tropical fruits. It’s no doubt a really tasty fruit but did you know that it is full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fibers? And you know what is the best way is to get all these nutrients? Well it’s consuming it in the juice form because it helps in delivering the nutrients faster. Though pineapple juice is not everyone’s first choice, I am sure you will consider it as an option once you read about all the health and beauty benefits it has to offer. Here are 10 reasons to drink pineapple juice:

1. Effective Arthritis Solution:
Pineapple juice is loaded with an enzyme known as Bromelain. Many scientific studies show that bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

2. Treats Indigestion & Digestion Related Problems:
Pineapple juice contains Bromelain, which helps to break down proteins.

3. Natural Diuretic:
Pineapple juice is a natural diuretic helps in maintaining the health of your kidney which is the organ responsible to get rid of the toxins in the body.

4. Maintains Cardiovascular Health:
The vitamin C, beta carotene and antioxidants in pineapple juice help your body to maintain cardiovascular health. .

5. Remedy for Menstrual Disorders:
Pineapple juice is a very effective remedy when it comes to menstrual disorders. Bromelain has analgesic properties that can help women who suffer from uncomfortable or painful periods.

6. Promotes Bone Health:
Pineapple juice contains almost 73 per cent of the manganese that the body requires for bone health.

7. Maintains Eyesight:
Beta-carotene and vitamin A help in maintaining eyesight as they prevent macular degeneration which is the primary reason behind loss of vision at the old age.

8. Promotes Oral Health:
Vitamin C helps in preventing plaque formation and reduces the risk of periodontal diseases and gingivitis as they restrict bacterial activities.

9. Makes Skin Clear:
pineapple for skin is one of the perfect remedies to make skin clear.

10. Best Source of Anti-Oxidants to boost immune system.

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