William Ramsey Investigates with Sean McCann 'the Fidelio Experiments'

2 months ago

Sean McCann returns to speak with William Ramsey about his latest discoveries in his exploration into the work of Stanley Kubrick. Sean has discovered a key to decipher Stanley's films. From 2001 to Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick's films align on the same timeline to give us a new message about compliance with evil & the loss of our souls. The Fidelio Experiment (Eyes Wide Shut synchronized with itself at one hour intervals) is the master key to decode Stanley's work. Sean has aligned many of Kubrick's films with the Fidelio Experiment & has discovered they synchronize at key moments to tie the films' themes, scenarios & even dialogue together. Undergirding many theories speculated by viewers over the years. Stanley has carefully constructed his films to align this way. The least we can do as fans is see it & recognize what a genius it was who created them.
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