Germany: Hamas Symbols Uncovered? Anti-Semitism at Church Christmas Market Causes Horror!

2 months ago

👉 Courtesy: Die Welt Germany

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💭 Anti-Semitic symbols and anti-Israeli propaganda were discovered at a Christmas market run by the Protestant Michaelsgemeinde in Darmstadt. These included keychains with banned Hamas symbols and cloth bags that questioned Israel's right to exist. The Jewish community filed a criminal complaint and the public prosecutor's office is investigating. The mayor was also appalled. The Christmas market was organized in cooperation with the Palestine solidarity group in Darmstadt. The Protestant regional church clearly distanced itself from the event. The pastor in charge declared that anti-Semitism had no place in his community.

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According to chairman Daniel Neumann, the Jewish community of Darmstadt, as well as several private individuals, have filed criminal charges against the Protestant Michaelsgemeinde and the Palestine solidarity group “Darmstadt4Palestine”.

The advertisements were directed against the display of unconstitutional and terrorist symbols, Neumann told the Evangelical Press Service. At the community's "Anti-Colonial Peace Christmas Market" last weekend, products were offered for sale that contained a symbol of the banned terrorist organization Hamas, the red triangle, or slogans such as "From the river to the sea," which called for the annihilation of Israel. Photos of the product tables circulated on the Internet, including at X.

According to eyewitness reports and available images, "every stop was pulled out to demonize and delegitimize Israel," concluded Daniel Neumann. The accusations were that Israel had been committing "genocide" against Palestinians for 75 years, was carrying out "ethnic cleansing" and was practicing "apartheid" in the country.

He continued that holding this Christmas market for the church community was "scandalous." "It is tragic that the legitimate concern of drawing attention to the suffering of the Palestinians and collecting donations always provides a direct gateway to spreading hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism."

The SPD mayor finds it “deeply disturbing”

Darmstadt Mayor Hanno Benz (SPD) accused the Michaelsgemeinde of having "propagated anti-Semitic content". "The images are deeply disturbing. An attempt is being made to delegitimize Israel's right to exist and to demonize the State of Israel by transferring anti-Semitic stereotypes to the State of Israel and its policies," Benz wrote in a letter to the parish and the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN).

The church community, together with the group "Darmstadt4Palestine", had put the Christmas market under the theme of Palestine solidarity. "We call it anti-colonial because our focus will be on supporting Palestinians with the proceeds from our market."

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In the meantime, the EKHN has temporarily banned the pastor responsible from exercising his office. This means that the theologian is not allowed to lead Christmas services in his parish, for example, an EKHN spokeswoman told the Evangelical Press Service. If the allegations are confirmed, the church reserves the right to take further legal action.

The church community is also considering filing criminal charges against the criticized exhibitors at the Christmas market. "I am deeply disappointed that the trust of the community was abused," said Pastor Manfred Werner on Thursday, before the church leadership's decision was announced. "It was a great foolishness that we trusted the preparation group."

"We will cooperate with the public prosecutor in every way," said Werner. There is a tradition in the parish of making the church available as a "dialogue space." An incident like the one last weekend had never happened before. The exhibitors in question "are ruining everything for us," he said.

👉 Selected comments courtesy of: Die Welt Germany

❖ Disgusting.... Absolutely disgusting!

❖ The most unbearable thing is the silence of the church leaders that can be seen in the article. I am ashamed of my church.

❖ The Protestant Church today:
Vulva painting at church conferences, so-called sea rescue in the Mediterranean, unreflective Greta hype and now identification with Hamas terror. Even God would leave this community...

❖ The Protestant Church is no longer a religious community, but part of the political left and the Greens

❖ The Protestant Church is closer to Islam than to the local population. And it is largely left-leaning. Presumably both with the intention of appearing progressive. What a confused approach. Drying out is the path to purification.

❖ The Protestant Church was one of Hitler's biggest supporters. Obviously there was no turning point there.

❖ No wonder the Protestant Church is turning into an unbearable place. I have left the church; I can no longer support the Protestant church with my church tax when the ground staff is so woke.

❖ As far as I know, the number of Palestinians has increased significantly in the last 75 years. It's a strange genocide where the population group affected is increasing.

❖ The pastors will be the first to hang Islamists in the church at some point.

❖ The Protestant church has (unfortunately) degenerated into a haven of green-red-woker naive people. They also like to propagate blatant anti-Semitism. That Jesus was a Jew? Never mind. That Christians in the Arab-Islamic region have no rights - never mind. The main thing is that they are "progressive", self-denying and left-wing.

❖ While Israel is resolutely defending our Western democracy in Syria and Christians in Syria have to fear the Islamists of HTS, evangelical Christians are showing their obvious sympathy for the Islamofascists of Hamas. If that isn't anti-Semitism.

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