Train derailment in Texas: Train crashes into tractor-trailer

2 months ago

One person was killed and four others were injured when a train crashed into a tractor-trailer in Pecos City, Texas on Wednesday.

Two Union Pacific employees were killed, and three others were injured when a freight train collided with a tractor-trailer and derailed in West Texas Wednesday, authorities say.

The collision occurred at a crossing in Pecos, Texas, near U.S. Highway 285 and Dot Stafford Street, at about 5 p.m. CT. The train derailed less than a block away and crashed into the town's Chamber of Commerce building.

#TrainCrash #PecosTexas #UnionPacificAccident #TrainCollision #TexasTrainCrash #FreightTrainDerailment #PecosCityAccident #TractorTrailerCollision #TrainDerailment #TexasNews #RailroadAccident #EmergencyResponse #TrainSafety #UnionPacificTragedy #WestTexasCrash #ChamberOfCommerceCrash #Highway285Accident #DerailmentDisaster #TransportationSafety #TexasCollision

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