When You Do All That Work To Escape Police & Still Get Caught

2 months ago

On March 12th, 2024, officers responded to an active shoplifting incident at Bath and Body Works. Upon arrival, they witnessed three masked suspects hurriedly exiting the store with bags in hand. When the officers attempted to stop them, the suspects got into a car and reversed, nearly running over one of the officers. All nearby police units were alerted about the suspect vehicle. What followed was a pursuit that would end badly for the shoplifters. Their car ran over the spikes, veered right into a pond, and after that, they all exited the vehicle and surrendered to the police. Officers ensured there was no one else in the car. Soon, the man who alerted the police arrived at the store and informed them that the suspects had first shoplifted at TJ Maxx before coming here. The man continued to request that the officer retrieve his belongings from the car. Gerald had three previous warrants for retail theft over $3,000 and a suspended driver’s license. Amanda was on probation, while Tiara had warrants for shoplifting items worth $750 to $5,000. All three were charged with shoplifting, grand theft of items worth $750 to $5,000, resisting arrest, and using an anti-shoplifting countermeasure device. Rumble thinks you’ll love the video on screen. Click to watch now.

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