ATTY Aaron Siri: It’s ‘false’ to say the petition saw to revoke ‘the polio vaccine

2 months ago

Aaron Siri says the media isn't telling the full story regarding RFK, Jr. and the polio vaccine petition on ‘Fox News @ Night.’

‘It's totally false to say that the petition sought to revoke the polio vaccine as if the petition intended to make it so that Americans couldn't get the polio vaccine. It was for only one of six licensed polio vaccines.’

‘It was filed on behalf of a client of our firm, not on behalf of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has nothing to do with him, never spoke to him about it. And it was for a new polio vaccine, not the polio vaccines of old, it was for a polio vaccine licensed in 1990 based on then a new technology of effectively immortal monkey kidney cells, meaning they're rendered essentially cancerous, end up in the vial.’

‘And here's the really critical part. The clinical trial relied upon to license that vaccine. reviewed safety for only three days after licensure. That's what the FDA documents say before it's licensed. So our client's petition just sought to have the FDA make sure that they licensed that one particular vaccine, one of six, based on proper safety data.’

‘But there is connection here, and the problem is, and you heard it just asked on Capitol Hill, many times today they are insinuating that RFK Jr. wants to get rid of the polio vaccine altogether. He doesn't wanna get rid of any vaccines.’

‘Mr. Kennedy has made very clear. He just wants to make sure that there's transparency and that there's proper science. You know, we should leave it to every American to judge. Is three days of safety review in a clinical trial after injection sufficient to have licensed that product?’

‘You know, many might say that that's not good enough. We want more safety data before a product is licensed and goes on the market and is injected into millions of babies. That's all we're talking about in terms of safety. He just wants safety, he wants transparency and he doesn't want to deprive people of vaccinations.’

‘Just like my client that signed this, excuse me, filed this petition didn't want to do because they only were talking about one of the six licensed vaccines, and only for children.’

‘Any American, even if the petition was granted, that wanted to get a vaccine and an adult could get it, children would have been able to get vaccinated. The idea that it was going to deprive the children or adults from vaccination is just untrue.’

‘We have sent letters to all of the publications that published that claim. A number of them have actually updated their article to change it from the vaccine to a vaccine to point out there are six. The New York Times has yet to issue a correction, though I got to tell you, I'm not surprised.’

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