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Interracial Marriage

1 month ago

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Moses was already married to one wife when he took the Ethiopian woman, so does that make bigamy ok? Be consistent. Moses' true wife, Zipporah, was a Midianite, Ex 18:1-2, descended from Abraham, Gen 25:2. God "divided" the nations in Genesis 10, and forced them to scatter apart at Babylon, proving his opposition to race mixing. This separation is confirmed at Deuteronomy 32:8 and acknowledged by St Paul in Acts 17:26 where the "bounds" of separation are a divine establishment. Proverbs 5:3 in the inspired English text warns us of the "strange woman" and verses 15 and following says clearly, in poetic language, that people should only marry within their own race. The command to "Honour thy father and thy mother" also mandates against race-mixing (which Esau did when marrying foreign wives contrary to his parent's approval - Gen 27:46, 28:8, which made him a "fornicator" per Hebrew 12:6). A "mingled people" are doomed according to Jeremiah 25:20, 24; 50:37; and Ezekiel 30:5. If all people became "mingled" then nations would dissolve in confusion, but God has ordained them to continue: Revelation 21:24. The theory that Christianity destroys all human institutions is a carnal falsehood promoted by feminists (deny gender), socialists (deny classes), abolitionists (deny servitude), communists (deny property), leftists (deny law and order), and race-mixers (deny races), etc. They all replace the true spiritual unity that exists only in Christ with an artificial substitute visibly imposed here and now. Race-mixing is the result of two atomized rebels drawn together only by lust; they refuse to acknowledge their obligation of loyalty to sustain their own people. Doing this under the guise of "marrying a fellow Christian" is the hypocrisy and man-made tradition condemned by Christ (see Matthew 15:3-9) and St Paul (1 Timothy 5:8). Race-mixing is proved satanic by its results: such marriages are rarely successful and the offspring are confused, and nationless.