Merry Christmas 2024

2 months ago

Cathy, The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, reads from Luke 1: 5-80 through 2: 1-39,
The narrative is with approximately 50 photos of Cathy’s from around the place. The exceptions are the wood slab fence, built by Cathy’s Dad in 1957, still standing in 2016 when she and her Mom visited the ranch that they lived on at the time. The old building, and close up of the corner of it, is the one-room school house Cathy and her older sister attended when they lived at that ranch. The building is still standing. One school room, a small kitchenette, small bedroom and a coat room, with an outhouse. The teacher would have to drive 20 miles to the school and would stay there when the weather was bad. When her sister started school there, she was the only child in the school. When Cathy started there were three of them. The two sisters and a neighbor boy.
The composite of horseback rider leading a pack animal is one of our son, leaving our place. Cathy added a sunset, so changed the drab, grey day when the photo was taken, and added two different photos of trees. So a composite of 4 of her photos, all done on Corel PaintShop Pro 2020 with help from, for the trees and silhouette of our son and his animals on the hillside.
Thank you all for your support in many small and large ways. We totally appreciate you and pray for you.
God be with you.
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