FOOD1 Holiday Recipes Apple Sauerkraut Cake and German Sauerkraut Cake

2 months ago

For the chocolate i would go with German Chocolate frosting--the one with the coconut. Or cream cheese frosting you would use for a carrot cake. Check the ancient Betty Crocker orange book.

Applesauce is a good sub for sugar. Makes cake moist. Try subbing out sugar for honey--a little honey goes a long way (maybe have to dial up on the dry ingredients). Warmed up, honey goes even further... Or give the brown sugar a try at 1/2 the amount, or pert near.

Used to make kraut cake as a child. Yellow tinged cake. Tasted like coconut.. The secret is to rinse the canned kraut.
Seems like i did use coconut on the white frosting...

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