One In Him Part 4 * Abide In Him * Ken Fletcher Ministries

2 months ago

"When we receive Jesus, we are instantly grafted into His life by the Holy Spirit. We are fused in with Him. The same life that flows in the Lord Jesus now flows into us. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches.

If we are His, we are fused into Him. We have His nature in us. We have His eternal life flowing in us. What Jesus has we have because we are part of Him! He is ours and we are His!

Our position with the Father is IN Christ! We have right-standing with God because we are IN Christ! Our nature has been changed. Our destiny has been changed. We will never die because of Jesus' life in us! This is who we are now. In union with Jesus and the Father.

What we now have is greater than our perception of what we have. Hope you stay with me on this journey of faith. We are going deep into the truth of who we really are. What we really have. And, what we can really do. All because of our eternal union with Jesus and the Father.

There is so much more to understand, friends. I am hungry to understand more of what is really ours. I believe God wants us to seek Him for more understanding of our relationship with Him. How does He really see us?

That is how we shoud seek to understand ourselves.--The way He sees us! Then, we are understanding things as we should be. Revelation of these truths is the key. In other words, having more than just head knowledge about it--but, having a deep persuasion of faith about the way we are now.

No matter how some believers try to be, we are not like the world anymore. We have been forever changed! It is a good thing to discover who we are now. Stay with me on Part 4 of our series." KF

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