Megalithic Blocks - Evidence of Advanced Civilization that predates Younger Dryas

2 months ago

Clip 1 - Day 1 - Block with 3 flat sides.
Gigantic blocks weighing 2x that of the largest obelisk with perfectly flat sides, 90 degree angles, and continuous straight lines criss crossing the plateau. Wind scoured areas show thousands of these megalithic blocks and rectangles traverse the entire plateau near Muley Point East, Utah. The edge of plateau shows the unnaturally straight cracks also leave perfectly flat faces going through 30+ feet of sandstone.

New theories as recent investigations point to large bodies of water scouring the Washington badlands as well as Grand Canyon and Monument Valley in short periods of time with fresh water melt called Water Pulse 1A and 1B around the time of the Younger Dryas when temperatures plummeted possibly due to the massive amount of fresh water disrupting the ocean currents.

Conditions at Muley Point East in Utah show what I believe to be evidence of an Advanced civilization that foresaw the floods coming and tried to prepare the land from being decimated by the large volumes of water. The key piece of evidence is these giant blocks with flat sides were sealed together with 3-5 millimeter of epoxy or sealant that continues to hold out water from penetrating the straight lines between the blocks. The sealant or epoxy appears white while intact but then turns black when the bond is broken between the blocks. And the black thin layer covers the entire surface facing the block next to it.

These Megalithic blocks show work of an ancient advanced civilization in my opinion.

And if these straight line cracks are natural as some experts want to say then why would Google Earth alter the satellite images. More evidence is given in the Amazon book “Google Earth Lies” showing the before and after images that shows evidence of a Photoshop-like morphing. And GE also even altered the altitude of the edges to make it appear to slope. NONE of the blocks and lines follow a slope. They all follow one straight plane and I’ve found evidence of these lines over a 27x14 mile area. All together more than enough evidence of an Ancient Advanced Civilization that was already at its height 12,800 years ago…

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