Insurance Complaints Ignore Exit to Sharing

2 months ago

Upgrade from restrictive ObamaCare health insurance to Choice-respecting Sharing with MPowering Benefits
-Virtual Primary Care to diagnose and prescribe
-Medical Vault & QR code - to control records and alert emergency personnel in case you’re found unconscious
-Concierge shopper - to help shop for well-priced drugs, tests, or specialists
-Sharing community - for major medical expenses, inc. NATURAL & Med Tourism
-Savings account - for check-ups or urgent care, dental or therapies, and all other “out-of-pocket” expenses.

Insurance Complaints Ignore Exit to Sharing
With Rod Maxson, Founder, MPB.Health

Hey…Buy us a cup of Coffee:

When ObamaCare’s expense a decade ago panicked the middle class and small business owners, out of nowhere a new market segment arose to pay medical bills – not via insurance but from something novel, called “Religious Sharing Ministries”. After millions of Americans joined these HealthShare communities, new Sharing operations opened that were not religious and thus more approachable to all Americans. Several brokerages nationwide, including MPowering Benefits, started offering them in addition to insurance, to give patients protection that was affordable.

The reliance by Sharing communities on price-sensitive shopping brought the attention of politicians and entrepreneurs who otherwise were trying, with little success, to disgorge from hospitals their true medical billing charges, to allow comparison shopping. Now these price transparency operators have a paying partner via Sharing, enabling millions of patients working with “concierge shoppers” to access more affordable treatments.

With the tragic murder of United Healthcare’s CEO unleashing an outcry against high and arbitrary rates of claims denials, the Sharing market is wondering why it’s better record on patient bill payment continues to be ignored in the media. As most patients in a Sharing community will tell you they have had mostly pleasant experiences with advisors – not only on getting bills paid but also with regard to receiving guidance on where to access quality-priced tests, labs and specialists.

For Open Enrollment, families and business owners need to realize that ObamaCare insurers not only deny claims in an adversarial fashion, but their Networks also exclude up to half of a local area’s providers. Sharing does neither, since every doctor takes cash. Mr. Maxson’s brokerage got featured in Forbes magazine (1) for combining Sharing with the Health Savings Account (HSA), the most tax-advantaged way to build $100,000 by retirement - when people REALLY need help affording long term and Out of Pocket expenses. The article highlighted also how MPowering offers Sharing to employees in businesses.

If you’re still stuck thinking ObamaCare is the only way to cover medical bills, you need to register – to learn how leaving insurance for Sharing can help you. Think of it like leaving a bank for a credit union. You end up with better prices and better service.

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