TODAY: 12.19.2024 - New Pandemic Warning and New Globalist Threats Emerge

2 months ago

This is a critical civil rights alert: your rights are under assault by the current Administration and the globalists. Watch this video and then call your US Congressman's office and tell him or her that you want this anti-American garbage out of this Omnibus free-for-all tyrant bill they are trying to pass through before they leave for Christmas break.

This bill has a ton of things that allow them via statute to violate your constitutional rights first, and then ask questions later. That is UNACCEPTABLE! If you value your freedom and your liberty call your congressman, and call Speaker Johnson's office and tell him to do his AMERICAN duty and reject this bill no matter what.

So what if it closes government, what good is a government that steadily restricts your rights and acts totalitarian? Shut it down!

Congressional Switchboard for the
US House of Representatives:

(202) 224-3121
To reach the Speaker of the House
Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA):

(202) 225-2777

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