"RNA Left For Me" - A music video by Robert Dada

2 months ago

"RNA Left For Me" - A music video by Robert Dada

From the album, "Being Out Of Time"

All words, music and video ©2023 AAP Illusions/Robert Dada
RNA Left For Me

A great sadness fell from our deep blue sky
We’ve always prayed so we indeed wondered why
Maybe we angered the God we cannot see
Hence this plague had befallen everybody

We culled the words handed down from antiquity
Extreme reverence written quite exquisitely
Entreating those closest to our holy creators
We thought we found our divine communicators

Nothing however, offered as spiritual penance
Was able to smother this wretched pestilence
Instead, we watched as our loved ones quickly receded
Into shadows under trees, leaving us quite defeated

We discerned that people who live far far away
Also saw this sadness fall from their skies the same way
These people though, found a way to heal their sick
Using a cure we were told they called their ‘RNA’ trick

God gave you everything, I’m still on my knees
My shivering children have begun to sneeze
I look to you from the floor and beg you please
RNA left for me?

Kings, queens and acolytes spared no expense
They marshaled forces to build up a ruthless defense
Against the army that no one was able to see
Who had invaded every land from mountain top to sea

It was said friends worked with their sworn enemy
In order to develop any and all weaponry
They knew they had a worthy foe never seen before
Who breathed nauseating fire from every door to door

Priests dressed in white from their holiest cathedrals
Divined an ice-cold water and put it into small needles
Then they put the water inside of their ailing souls
Those tiny needles pricked their arms with even tinier holes

Promising to make enough to silence every sick cry
They made enough for themselves but in fact, told us a lie
And slowly they did become mostly better again
While we perished in conditions I can’t even begin to explain

God gave you everything, I’m still on my knees
My shivering children have begun to sneeze
I look to you from the floor and beg you please
RNA left for me?

Their merchants dispatched every legal deception
They could possibly think of to make us an exception
From our clouds they extracted every silver lining
To seed their solutions and their eventual refining

Those who weakly presided over the faraway lands
Paralyzed to inaction, it was seemingly out of their hands
However, we felt unjustly betrayed and terribly misled
And horrified that they would leave us to succumb instead

Many of their land’s respected citizens
Were seemingly content with the conditions that they found us in
They saw no implacable need to remove those in power
While our loved ones continued to perish by the hour

I don’t know if they even pray to a messiah
In my homeland though, they would be branded a pariah
But haven’t they always ignored those of us in need?
For me, ‘RNA’ is just their way to spell greed

God gave you everything, I’m still on my knees
My shivering children have begun to sneeze
I look to you from the floor and beg you please
RNA left for me?

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