This is exactly

2 months ago

This is exactly the type of person we need as our next Secretary of Defense. WE STAND WITH PETE!
Antichrist Code IXXI and 2112 is the same 2,1,0,1,2.

9 11 = IX XI
IX = the outgoing age/order,
XI = the incoming, new age/order.
Invisible X marks the event/reset/spot
IXXI, 911, 2112, 101
Symbols for:
"Out of chaos comes order",
"As a Phoenix, rising from the ashes.
2112 is the same but using 0 instead of X
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2.
Roman, II,I,0,I,II
And in showing the invisible zero in 2112 you can see 101 right in the middle. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.

In Roman Numerals, IX-XI-MMI=101
(9)IX - XI(11) - MMI(2001).

Also in Roman Numerals IX-XI-MMI=88.

Crazy how dialed in 88 truly is.

King Kong=88/528
88 minutes=5280 seconds.
88 hours=5280 minutes.
88 days=2112 hours.

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