Lessons For Leftists: Scott Jennings Lectures Dems On A Checked-Out Biden…Authenticity & Word Salads

2 months ago

Posted • December 19, 2024: Republican Scott Jennings covered a lot of ground in his last CNN appearance. There’s Democrats realizing something the rest of us have known for years, voters wanting authenticity and even a Kamala joke. It all begins here. Scott Jennings @ScottJenningsKY: “Started with a CNN discussion of Democrats lacking authentic messengers, ended on an amusing revelation by the Pod Save bros that Joe Biden isn’t actually in command (actual LOL on that one).” -- Since Biden took the oath of office, observant Trump supporters have known he’s not really in charge. But, with his last day in office looming, some Democrats are acting like this is a revelation. And it seems that there is not of sense of urgency, even before the elections, as to who is actually running the executive branch. This period in history will eventually be known as the time when America had no actual president capable of making decisions. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Lessons for Leftists: Scott Jennings Lectures Dems on a Checked-Out Biden, Authenticity and Word Salads
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