2024-12-19 Flat-Earthers Wrong - Chatbot Preacher - Tyrannical Spiritual Headship

2 months ago

2024-12-19 Flat-Earthers Wrong - Chatbot Preacher - Tyrannical Spiritual Headship

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AskAChristian, ReligiousDiscussion, ChristianApologetics, Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Clubhouse, atheism, agnostic, religion, spirituality, spiritual, God, Deism, Pagan, church, Apologetics, Podcast, iTunes, Spotify, AAC, NateCunningham, Deist, Deism, Faith,

*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

In this episode of Ask a Christian with host Nate, we dive into some intriguing topics. We discuss Jeremiah 10 and whether it’s referring to the modern tradition of Christmas trees. We also reveal how flat earthers were proven wrong after visiting Antarctica and witnessing the Sun for 24 hours. In an interesting twist, a megachurch pastor launches a paid AI chatbot of himself to provide prayers and counseling, and we even asked ChatGPT to say some prayers for us. The controversial snake bite preacher makes an appearance, and we explore a Massachusetts school’s queer Jeopardy event just before Christmas. Lastly, we examine what the Bible says about tyrannical husbands using spiritual headship as a tool to dominate their wives.

Join us for all of these topics and more, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast! Check out Nate’s book and the store—links are in the description.

#AskAChristian #Jeremiah10 #FlatEarthers #AIChatbot #SnakeBitePreacher #QueerJeopardy #TyrannicalHusbands #ChristmasTreeDebate #ChristianPodcast #BibleTruth

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