Standard or Holistic Dentistry? With Dr Dave Ogle - Episode #1 Comparing Standard Dentistry With Holistic Dentistry / Unite The Divide

2 months ago

The goal of our first conversation was to discuss pathways to explore in maximizing oral hygiene, decentralize medicine and educating ourselves on what is 'optimal' health.

- Standard dentistry since the 1980's
- Differences between and dentist and medical doctors
- Maximizing Oral Hygiene and areas we can explore to make it better
- Fluoride in toothpaste and waters supplies
- Functional/Holistic dentistry practices and products like Hydroxyapatite, Xylitol and Tongue Scraping
- Gathering our list of reputable holistic dentists and comparing data
- Finding and looking at future analysis and results of products (fluoride vs no fluoride vs hydroxyapatite and xylitol)
- The importance of Nitric Oxide and how that starts in the mouth

We shared short clips from two different podcasts. We will be taking a deeper dive into this information and other, then taking a deeper dive into maximizing oral hygiene and hopefully optimizing total human health.

The Primal Podcast:
video 1 -
video 2 -

Helpful Clip Notes from prior podcast:
BREAKDOWN NITRIC OXIDE (NO2) Dr Nathan Bryan (watch the intro to @1:40sec ) Do you think focusing on Nitric Oxide can stop all brain disease?

Clip 1.5) Low Nitric Oxide Production leads to low erectile function, Increasing NO can remove the need for many medications
CLIP 2) “What is Nitric Oxide and Why Should I Care?” Loss of Nitric Oxide is the main cause of chronic disease = WHY hasn’t mainstream medicine told us this?
CLIP 3) “What are the 4 Hallmarks of Chronic Disease and How Does It Trace Back to NO2?” .. “
CLIP 4) GREAT CLIP “Why do we loss NO2 as we age?” (stop 13:56)
CLIP 5) Difference between endothelial and epithelial cells and why it’s important
CLIP 6) NOS fixes Deep Nasal Breath Work, Red Light Therapy Plug (22:08 - 23:03)
CLIP 7) 2nd Pathway to Natural NOS Production (24:23 - )
CLIP 8) Why Mouthwash (and Fluoride) Is Bad = Destroys Oral Bacteria, Decreases Nitric Oxide Production, Causes High Blood Pressure (End 30:35ish)
CLIP 9) Problems With Anti-Acids and ANYONE who knows what they are truly doing would never take them (start 31:30 - end 35:11)
CLIP 10) REMOVE STATINS = Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease (start 35:11 - end )
CLIP 11) MOST IMPORTANT CLIP? “Do You Think Boosting Nitric Oxide Can Fix All Brain Disease?” Dr Nathan, “Knows It” = Restoring Blood Flow to Brain & Remove Toxins Which Contribute (end clip at 38:46)
CLIP 12) BEST WAYS TO FIX NITRIC OXIDE ISSUES / 1-ELIMINATE Mouthwash, 2-ELIMINATE Fluoride, 3-ELIMINATE Anti-Acids 4- EXERCISE 5-Reduce Sugar 6-REMOVE Gummies & Chewable Vitamins 7-Eat Natural Non Processed Food 8- 20 Minutes of Sun OR Infrared Light or Sauna in Winter 9-PROPER Deep Breathing Through Nose/Mouth Tape to force nose breath 10- TONGUE SCRAPPING (start 38:46 - end 42:18)
CLIP 13) How Red Light Helps / Sun Therapy
CLIP 14) Cardiovascular & Other Diseases Drop with Increase NOS
CLIP 15) INCREASED NOS Prevents COVID and other virus replecation / most people who died from Covid couldn’t create Nitric Oxide / Also Spike Protein Info & No Sickness in 20 Years (end 1:02:58)
CLIP 16) Helping with Long Covid
CLIP 17) Sexual Dysfunction to a Joe Biden Joke
CLIP 18) Restoring NO Production to eliminate ALL Meds (start 1:07:45 - ens 1:09:30 ) The Road to Woo Leads Away from Pharma
CLIP 19) Lasangges - Nitric Oxide Products similar to hormone replacement (start 1:09:31 - 1:12:00)

David Ogle. Born raised in Evansville, Indiana. University of Evansville biology. Indiana University School of Dentistry 1993. Operated a Family Practice dental office for 30 years. Married to Lynn Koester since 1991. Two kids Nathan and Natalie, one grandchild Hank and one on the way. Retired December 2023. Enjoys wood working, welding and is an avid shooter and second amendment supporter.

Thank you David for a great conversation. I will look forward to hopefully many more.

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