Kid Francescoli - Moon Reaction | Rediscovering My Path with The Alchemist & Sobriety Reflections

2 months ago

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Today, I listen to and react to Kid Francescoli - "Moon" (Official Video)—a track I turn to when I need to escape, dream a little, and get back in touch with myself.

It’s been a strange day. I feel like I just want to sleep, like I have nothing to look forward to. It’s odd because I’m sober now, and I have everything I didn’t before: control over my life. But even when things look good, it’s easy to feel lost sometimes.

In search of inspiration, I started listening to The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho again. It’s been 13 years since I last listened to it, and I didn’t even understand it the first time I read it. I had to travel to Sri Lanka and find my family before that book made sense—like it was written about my own life.

Right now, I feel stuck, but I hope The Alchemist will guide me back to my dreams and future. And Kid Francescoli’s Moon? It’s the perfect track for moments like this—where I need to pause, reflect, and drift off for a while. Amazing music, and I’m glad to share it with you today.

Thank you for tuning in. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

#kidfrancescoli #moon #musicreaction #thealchemist #sobrietyjourney #findingmypath #personalgrowth #dreams #electronicmusic #reflection

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