Homan: It’s Illegal to Hire Illegal Aliens, Worksite Enforcement Is Coming Back

3 hours ago

COLLINS: “And, obviously, this could be a reality that you are facing just a few weeks or a few months from now. The other question that I‘ve heard so much about this is the massive impact that these large removals could have on the construction or agriculture or hospitality industry. Is that something that you‘re keeping in mind as you‘re making these plans?”
HOMAN: “Yeah, that would be part of the prioritization. But let‘s remember, it‘s illegal to hire an illegal alien employee, illegal alien, because a number of reasons. You know, it undercuts wages. People hire an illegal alien for a couple of reasons. Number one, they can work them harder, pay them less, and undercut their competition who has U.S. citizen employees. It‘s against the law to hire an illegal alien, and we‘ll be forcing that law, too, because worksite enforcement is coming back. Where do I find most victims of trafficking, sex trafficking, and forced labor? At work sites. And this administration stopped that. So if we‘re serious about human trafficking, both forced labor and forced sex trafficking, that‘s where we find the victims. That‘s where we save the victims. So, worksite enforcement is coming back in a big way.”
COLLINS: “Yeah, the worksite raids. And, of course, I mean, you‘ve seen, in areas like Wisconsin, dairy farms have a lot of undocumented immigrants on their property who are working there, so that was a big question for them.”

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