Jay Z Strikes Back! STMS 12-19-24

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Good Morning! It's our LAST Morning Show on YT of the week! It's our last regular YT show until after Christmas with Monday being the Birthday show!

We are busy today as Minnesota is making some news with billing and satanic updates, Jay Z's lawyer is fighting back against allegations, Kathy Hochul wants to end the Electoral College, Kanye has some deposition clips leaked and much more!

Join us for a great Morning Show!

$350 away from 1030am! $5 Links $10 Immediate. Donations Welcome https://streamlabs.com/steeltoemorningshow/tip https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G2QLUXSWHRYSY SteelToeMediaInc on Venmo

https://streamlabs.com/steeltoemorningshow/tip https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G2QLUXSWHRYSY SteelToeMediaInc on Venmo

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