17 Minutes EP1 - Bovaer & The Petition

2 months ago

In the first episode of 17 Minutes, avid Q researcher Jonathan Gurney and former Rebel News, UK & European correspondent Callum Smiles discuss all things Q from a UK perspective.
With the recent announcement of Arla and certain supermarkets trialling the methane reducing cattle feed additive Bovaer, Jon and Callum ponder if it is a psyop or Q com. Afterall, it's certainly got the nation talking about toxins in our foodchain.
Secondly, "the petition". With the petition calling for a new general election into the millions, the government, despite not being required to, have decided to debate the petition on January 6th of all dates. With the previous UK General Election being on American Independence Day (July 4th) and the US Presidential Election on Bonfire Night (November 5th), could all these symbolic dates be linked?
Join us for EP 2 as we discuss more possible UK related Q coms in detail.

Be sure to follow on X @jonathangurney & @franklyspeakp
YouTube account pending

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