Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris. Epic Rap Battles of History

2 months ago

Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris. Epic Rap Battles Of History.
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Thank you to our sponsor Ground News for helping make this battle possible!
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You can listen to this track on multiple streaming platforms very soon.
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Epic Rap Battles of History: Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump.
The VP stepping up to take on the Former President
Who won? Who’s next? You decide!
Thank you for being here!
np & eL
#epicrapbattlesofhistory #epicrapbattles #erb #kamalaharris #donaldtrump #thatlaugh #thatdance #election2024 #donaldtrumpvskamalaharris


Kamala Harris: Kimberly Michelle Vaughn

Donald Trump and Teddy Roosevelt: EpicLLOYD
IG @theepiclloyd

Joe Biden: Nice Peter


Executive Producers: Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
Directed by Nice Peter
Produced by Atul Singh
Written by Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, Zach Sherwin and the many most excellent contributors of our Patreon Writers Crew. Thank you!

Beat Produced by: Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD
Music Mixed and Mastered by: Nice Peter

Director of Photography: Jon Na
Assistant Camera: Andy Chinn
Dept. Head Makeup and Hair: Brielle McKenna
Makeup and Hair Artist: Lian Uritsky
Wardrobe and Props: Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD
Playback: Patrick Rowland
Production Coordinator: Trent Turner

Video Editors: Ross Fearnley, Nice Peter
VFX and Compositing: Dan Delboy and Nice Peter

Shot on the ALEXA Mini
Edited in Adobe Premiere, After Effects and Unreal Engine 5
Recorded and mixed in Pro Tools

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