Dr Reiner Fuellmich's Last Interview Before His Arrest and Incarceration

5 hours ago

“We're doing the same thing in NZ. There's a group of doctors, NZDSOS, very smart people. Good people. They are filing cases inside the corporate system. I said I'm not going to waste my time inside the system anymore. Not now that we have the connection with the right people. With those people who have a functioning judiciary. Who will really give us a fair hearing. Who will really look at our evidence. But it makes sense to attack from as many sides as possible. So we may either profit from what's going on inside the corporate system, if they're lucky enough and they run into a judge who is capable and willing ... to look at the evidence. That may help us with our case. And the other way around. I think the other way around will probably work much easier. Because once the world sees. And we’re going to air all of the five or six days of this, you could call it a Grand Jury investigation or you could call it something else. The presentation of the evidence. Once the world sees what is really going on through a judicial proceeding. Not a kangaroo court but a real judicial proceeding. I think this will empower the people. It will wake many people up…” ~ Dr Reiner Fuellmich

At around 42 minutes into this interview, just prior to his arrest, Dr Fuellmich talks about the capture of the European judiciary. He then explains that Tikanga law offers an alternative, and at around 44m NZDSOS receives a worthwhile mention.

Learn about the incarceration without trial of Dr Fuellmich at The Fuellmich Case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgo3l0vYysQ
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, international Lawyer & Malue Montclairre, Founder & Chair for FBF - The Danish Freedom Movement.

A conversation and a bird's eye view on government corruption and control.

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This was taken from Cafe Locked Out at https://rumble.com/v5zyuvk-dr.-reiner-fuellmichs-last-interview-before-hsi-arrest-and-incarceration.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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