we've all felt alone...

2 months ago

Monuments by Addison Zane Mills

We journey not without someone beside...

A contemplative, thoughtful poem about humanity by Addison Zane Mills


We don’t know with whom we’ve spoken,
or who we’ve taken from.
We don’t know of those we’ve shaken - who we’ve kept from getting home.
All we know is we feel – broken.
We feel as if we’re here alone.

When the Sun is hid behind the night
and all in mind comes to bare,
It’s only then the Void will stare
And bring your emptiness to light.

Could we know the day or season
Or even know the time?
Does everything have its reason - days unkind
And life too long?
All we know - is all that’s broken
When we see the end and hear the song.

Count the stars to compare the mass -
To trim your view or make it wide.
To judge your place along the side
Of those who live and those who pass.

We know it’s ours to place the question
But dare not break the line.
We fear unknown yet loathe our station - and view green fields and shut behind
All we’ve known - all we’ve broken,
And lay our claim to feel alone.

We journey not without someone beside -
Yet here we are and looking through the glass;
Each a monument to pass
Our story down for future years to find.

We don’t know with whom we’ve spoken,
Or who we’ve given hope;
With whom we’ve shared our own time golden - who we’ve loved or seen grow old.
It heals to know we’ve all been broken -
In knowing this, we’re not alone.


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Music Credits:
Cornfield Music by Sergii Pavkin from Pixabay
Used with license. (link to Pixabay license for music useage: https://pixabay.com/service/license-summary/ )

This poetry are inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, Rudyard Kipling, W. H. Auden, Charles Bukowski, and others. The narration style is inspired by Tom O'Bedlam, Morgan Freeman, Matthew McConaughey, Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan and Michael Cain. This video style is inspired by illneas, ISOBOTO, Col Poetry, a kid with a camera, & John Cogs among others. Go check them out!

Fair Use Disclaimer: All footage was acquired via Canva professional sources and the open use font Poppins was used. I do not own and did not create any of the video footage or the font used. The music is used with fair attribution at the request of the creator/composer Scott Buckley via free-stock-music.com

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