Gen Z and Millennials dating and marriage facts and statistics to help your relationship succeed.

2 months ago

Surprising Gen Z and Millennials dating and marriage facts and statistics to help your relationship success.

Let's start with overall Millennial and Gen Z dating statistics and then we will later segment further into online dating and marriage facts.
So overall, how do millennial and Gen Z dating behaviors compare? Here are the top statistics on how these generations date overall.

The most popular reason to ghosting is to avoid confrontation (50% for women and 38% for men).
56% of men and women have been ghosted.
Over 70% of young singles prefer a phone call before meeting up for the first date.
Younger generations want their partners to share their values. 7 in 10 millennial and Gen Z Ok-Cupid users say it’s important to match with people who care about the LGBTQ+ community.
Millennials and Gen Z are more likely than Gen X to cancel a date with someone who isn’t vaccinated against COVID-19.
Millennials are almost 20% more likely than Gen Z to ask a new match on a date within 1-2 days.
Gen Z are 18% more likely than millennials to wait for a match to ask them out.
30% of millennials and Gen Z say that their financial situation is holding them back from dating. They feel that they need a certain level of financial security to settle down.
Three-quarters of millennials and Gen Z think people who date should split the costs, at least sometimes. 38% of Gen Z think it should always be split, versus 28% of millennials.
However, one in three says that the chances of accepting a second date increase if their date pays for the first one.
74% of millennials and Gen Z say that personality is the most important factor when choosing a partner.
A third says that income and wealth are important. However, wealth was a less important factor when compared to other factors such as looks.
Millennials care more about looks than Gen Z. They are also more likely to say that a job is important.
Nearly half of wealthier millennials and Gen Z daters say they prioritize income and wealth as dating factors.
Women in these age groups are less interested in looks compared to men (47% vs 70%).
More than half of women say a job is important compared to less than half of men.
50% of young singles are open to a long-distance relationship. That’s 20% more than singles in general.
More than half of Gen Z and Millennials believe you can fall in love over a video date. 34% of all singles believe the same.

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