Russian FSB arrested attacker; 16 gang members also taken into custody.

2 months ago

The assassination of Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Forces, with Amedeo Avondet, an Italian war correspondent.

Sixteen people taken into custody Tuesday following a home invasion at the Edge at Lowry apartment complex are Venezuelan nationals, a spokesperson with Immigration and Customs Enforcement told FOX31'

#Outnumbered #ElectoralCollegeDebate #USPolitics #Democrats #ConstitutionalDebate #IgorKirillov #RussiaNews #ChemicalDefense #AmedeoAvondet #WarCorrespondent #HomeInvasion #ImmigrationCrisis #VenezuelanMigrants #ICEOperations #LowryApartmentComplex #BorderControl #CurrentEvents #GlobalNews #USImmigration #WorldPolitics

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