'Dems Are Eating Themselves Alive'! Sen. Durbin Zings CNN's Ratings When Asked About Pay Raise In CR

4 hours ago

Posted • December 18, 2024: If the current Continuing Resolution ends up passing through Congress, members of that body will get a pay increase (apparently helping push the country to $36 trillion in debt makes a politician worthy of a raise). Today a CNN reporter asked Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin if members of Congress deserve a pay increase, and the Left are eating their own as evidenced by Durbin's response: Democrat Senator Durbin tells CNN reporter: “Half of your viewers aren’t there any more and you’re still getting the same paycheck.” Holy crap. After all CNN has done to help the Democrats push their preferred narratives, that's the thanks they get from Durbin? 🚨 The Dems are eating themselves alive: CNN Reporter: “People look at the performance of Congress and say ‘Why should we give them more money?’” - Senator Durbin: “What about the media?… Half of your listeners are not there anymore and you’re still getting the same paycheck.”

Durbin crushing CNN off the top rope! Pass the popcorn! Donald Trump’s election victory did this- another win. They have officially turned on each other. The love between the two is starting to show cracks at the seams. While we get a kick out of seeing CNN get booted around, Durbin's also wrong considering what Congress has helped do to the country. Dick Durbin says it’s a good thing there’s a pay raise for Congress in the spending bill. Congress has less than 22% approval. They should get a pay cut. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GfF34jIXMAATA2h?format=jpg&name=large -- Somebody ask that CNN reporter what he thinks of a possible congressional pay raise after Durbin's slam!

Twitchy: 'Dems Are Eating Themselves Alive'! Sen. Durbin Zings CNN's Ratings When Asked About Pay Raise in CR

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