2 Corinthians 12_Godly Sorrow Works Repentance 7:5-16

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SBC Family,

Two things:

First, study 2 Corinthians 7:5-16
Second, if time answer questions/discuss nativity texts.

Tonight we will study 2 Cor 7:5-16. This is an important section on how we should respond to criticism from fellow believers that points out our sin. There are Greek words here that speak of the importance of "quickly" dealing with it by repenting. Two types of sorrow exist, the sorrow of the world that does not bring us to repent and the sorrow of God that does bring us to repent. In this context, repent is that change of mind about the sin we did that leads us to swiftly make it right. This is critical for enjoying deliverance from the terrible consequences of sin in our life that wreak havoc on our well-being and that of others; stress, emotional, psychological and even physical pains we face are the result of worldly sorrow that leads to our self-ruin and idiocy. He didn't come just so we would have eternal life, He came that we might also have abundant life. This is the enjoyment of life that only comes as we face our personal sin directly and get right with God and others.

If we have time after, please ask questions about nativity texts. That time of year is upon us, and I am looking through those texts and making new notes.

Notes on 2 Corinthians attached.

Book on 1 Corinthians nearing completion and hopefully published by the New Year.

Your prayer and financial support are sooooo appreciated. Robin and I discuss frequently. In this email I want to thank you especially for financial support. It is not every pastor that has a flock and deacons that care enough to lift the financial burden so I can do the work of ministry without those distractions. Thank you! I have never experienced this in all my years of ministry.

Yours in Christ,



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