Neuralink: Brain-Computer Interface - Future Tech!

2 months ago

The video explores Neuralink's operations and the importance of understanding neural communication for technological advancements.
Neuralink aims to apply its learnings to push the boundaries of science fiction by 2025.
Everything that has been learned at Neuralink over the past year needs to be leveraged to go even further into science fiction for 20 25.
To grasp Neuralink's functionality, we must explore the brain's intricate neural signals, which control actions and memories, and the challenge of translating these signals for computer use.
To understand how Neuralink works, we need to dive into the very fabric of our brains. The brain is made up of billions of neurons, tiny yet complex cells that communicate with each other through electrical signals called action potentials. These signals are how your brain controls everything from moving your hand to remembering what you ate yesterday. The challenge for Neuralink is translating these natural electrical signals into something a computer can understand.

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