The Faith is not subjected to the Pope; it is this Pope who should be subjected to the Faith

2 months ago

Yesterday, October 17 was the birthday of GMB, the current Pope, called by some impostor or usurper of the See of Peter. It is also one year ago that lightening struck the church in Argentina of Our Lady of the Rosary, in San Nicolás, Argentina. Let us look at the reality of what the present Pope has done and is currently doing and not fall into voluntary blindness. What he has done and is doing to so many traditional Catholic priests who continue to speak up in the name of Truth against the cowardice of those Bishops and Cardinals who remain mute at the service of this ongoing deceit.

Interviwed by TruthMeltsLies (Catholic bunch of Irish farmers) at Telegram. Thank you guys! Faith, Family, Farming! Thank you also for the 5 Coffees!
#pope, #church, #catholicism, #newreligions, #catholicchurch,

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