Can Biden Force Trump To Host Africa Summit in 2025 With Annual Defence Bill? | Firstpost Africa

2 months ago

Can Biden Force Trump To Host Africa Summit in 2025 With Annual Defence Bill? | Firstpost Africa

The outgoing Biden administration is attempting to set a framework for U.S-Africa ties for Donald Trump's second stint at the White House. The US Congress has introduced a law that could force Trump to engage with Africa. The bill has cleared the House of Representatives and is expected to sail through the Senate, could force Trump to host an African Leaders' Summit before the end of 2025. It also mandates the US Secretary of State to host the summit every four years. This push by the Biden administration comes as it faces severe criticism for neglecting Africa. Critics say that Biden did not pay much attention to Africa. But ironically, he is setting up a path for Trump to do so. With his list of executive orders ready, could Trump also bin this bill brought by the Biden Administration? Watch this video for details.


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