A Name, a Throne, and a Kingdom | Luke 1: 26-38

2 months ago

This evening, we come to not only a known and well-loved text, the announcement to the young virgin who would be the mother of the Messiah, Mary. The announcement begins with these words - “rejoice highly favored one.” Mary was chosen even before the foundations of the world were laid to be the one who would carry the Messiah, the miracle Son who came in the flesh to deliver His people from their sins. Such news laid heavy upon her heart, for it was not only grand but weighty new for Mary would play a key role not only in carrying and giving birth to the Messiah, but she would be His mother. Despite her essential and important role, it would be Jesus who would ultimately redeem not only His own mother but as the future King and Head of the Church, He would bear the Name that indicated His role of Kingly and Priestly Savior of the World. Mary’s Son would be her King, Mary’s Son is our King, and His rule shall never end.

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