Betrayal by U S Gobermnt Lindon Johnson of U S S Liberty 294 Sailors attacked by Israel

2 months ago

From Brave Can dace O wens and the bra ve Sai lor who lived this betrayal and mur der of almost 29 4 Sai lors, C I A and N S A young men by "Al lies" and their own Com man der in Ch ief Lin don Joh nson. "Ph il Tour ney: thank you for entrusting me with your story. You were a God send at the end of this year bc it made me reflect and realize that what I went through (A I P A C’s network of lies, smears, and financial threats) was absolutely nothing compared to what you lived through. I am in awe of you. Thank you for providing me with the necessary perspective.
You were so young. I don’t know how you did it. If I live my life with a fraction of your courage, it will be a good life.
To all the ve ter ans, you are deserving of so much more than our go ve rn ment has given you. I am broken to realize that left and right, we are surrounded by cow ards. (and co rrupt el ected of fi cials).
But I am hopeful. Because in the end, Christ wins.
He has already won. "

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