Danny Haiphong & Ben Norton: BOMBSHELL! Putin Tells NATO Prepare for WAR as Top General Slain, Turkey INVADES Syria (12-17-2024)

3 months ago

(Have you started to notice that the US uses chaos, sanctions & conflicts to dominate the world? The US gets upset when major powers resist. The United States & NATO are the real terrorists in the world these days. You really must listen to this entire discussion to better understand what the US has been doing with these complex chaotic interactions. The US is constantly using chaos, sanctions & conflicts to destabilized regions that they want to destroy for many reasons in addition to being the dictatorial ruler of the world. If this was the first discussion putting forth this information that I had seen, I would have a much harder time understanding what has been going on geopolitically in the world. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of credible information supporting exactly what Ben Norton & Danny Haiphong are describing. Notice how they are using historical evidence to support their observations. Maybe it is time to reflect on what always happens to dictators in the long run - they are overthrown. There is also plenty of evidence indicating that the current form of the United States will not survive, so wake up & prepare accordingly. — RAD)

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