Drones-Canada and a New Day Dawning - End the Fed | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 33

2 months ago

- The truth regarding the drone deployment – US Military defensive posture and why

- Canada has never been a country – how, when and why? Canada the 51 st state?

- Trudeau (a military cog), is on his way out

- Zuckerberg goes to Mara-a-Lago to receive new marching orders from DJT

- All eyes on Japan, S. Korea and the Pacific region for the economic concerns of the day – how and why

- XI Jingping aligned with DJT on certain important matters

- Fed Res Chairman Powel is sleeper agent for our side – really? How’s that?

- We can look towards major shifts of control and power of the Federal Reserve to the Treasury or perhaps an “End the Fed” entirely

- Securing and strengthening the USD – earthly commodities and QFS

- Ten new cities to be built – revamping other locations

- NESARA-GESRA – Yes and no - not a blanket debt forgiveness as it would
collapse economy

- Trump dares the BRICS and Staes the USD will not be overthrown

- Military events on the rise in the Pacific Rim

- Financial restructure in part led to 911

- US Debt – solution – wages to escalate to meet inflation/COL

- Inauguration day – 50-50 chance January 20 - potential delay – challenges

ALL 40K / Happening NOW shows get the following:
NOTICE: Many frauds weigh in as me (JMC). I NEVER promote or sell any QFS, Crypto, wallets etc. These people are reported as fraud and are banned but new ones crop up every week.

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