Arcade Booth Tour: Betson/Raw Thrills, IAAPA 2024. Godzilla VR, NBA Superstars, Halo, & More

1 day ago

Join this channel to get access to perks: - Time to start on the booth tours from IAAPA 2024, starting with distribution company Betson and their mainstay of Raw Thrills. Games that were on hand:

- Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR (with all five chapters)
- NBA Superstars (with new software)
- Angry Birds Boom!
- Super Bikes 3
- Big Buck Hunter Reloaded
- Fast & Furious Supercars
- Marvel: Contest of Champions
- T-Rex VR Safari Adventure
- King Kong II
- Halo: Fireteam Raven
- MotoGP VR

Everything listed above is available now! #arcade #rawthrills #godzilla

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