Dad jokes to share at the end of the world

1 day ago

The Gnomes have been upgraded, but I got lazy with the splashes between jokes and used Pixabay, as I'm a little too burned out at the moment to spend another week animating silly sight gags. The music is all from YT Studio, and the actual animation is done in Blender. I also do my video editing in kdenlive, so a lot of the effects come from there too.

I don't know if this video is going to work for too many people, but I'm too hopped up on Christmas cookies and lack of sleep to really worry about it. I do hope that you enjoy this madness that I've laid before you, but if you don't that's alright too.

I would love it if you subscribe and like this video too, as it helps me get out to more people. I'm planning on switching up the next video to something different, the screenplay for it is almost complete. (Sneak peek for anyone that's made it this far, it involves a witch, hijinks and maybe a couple of trolls). So if you subscribe you can be one of the first to watch it when it does come out.

Thanks again for all of you wacky people that actually read things and I hope to see you soon. P.S. I hope you find everything you need in this life too, because even if your budget is zero, you can still improve, you can still get better. Remember to just keep moving forwards.

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