How do all roads lead to Rome?

2 months ago

The question is. ...

How do all roads lead to Rome?

Did the Roman empire fall as they have told us OR did Rome become the Vatican?

How is the pontiff pope Francis a Catholic or Christian?

Or is it a guise of Christianity and catholicism to practice paganism?

Now if the pope is wearing headdresses that illustrate worship to an ancient Phoenician god called DAGON?

And the freemasons that practice rituals at the presidential inaugurations to facilitate the rise of Osiris...

Again Egyptian practices, not Christian or Catholic.

So whose birthday is December 25th?

Osiris.. not Jesus.

How many times has the bible been rewritten? Who did this? Freemasons- luciferians- Jesuits

Don't shoot the messenger.
Do your own research.
Our job is to live in the light of truth and love.

Part 6 of 6
It all connects

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