241215 JWT Shows What’s Happening on Proxima B- It’s a NIGHTMARE.mp4

2 months ago

Dec 17, 2024 ........................ 21:59

James Webb Telescope FINALLY Shows What’s Happening on Proxima B, and It’s a Total NIGHTMARE!

Proxima B is the closest exoplanet to Earth, orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri just over four light-years away. This “super-Earth” has intrigued researchers since its discovery in two thousand sixteen, primarily because it lies within its star’s habitable zone. This means conditions might exist that could support liquid water—a key ingredient for life as we know it. However, recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have painted a far more complicated and alarming picture. Before we delve into this, it’s clear that what the James Webb Telescope uncovered on Proxima B is far more disturbing than anyone could have imagined, and the shocks don’t end here.

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