Man Holding A Zip Line Rope Falls Down

6 years ago

I do not think I have ever met a person who does not like adventures. Even those who like to call themselves couch potatoes, find themselves desiring to try some adventurous sport from time to time. We all love that adrenaline, and luckily, there are many safe sports now which we can try and feel the adrenaline rush without any danger. The video we have today is about one of those fun activities. And it is a zip line. The zip line in the video does not seem dangerous because it is not way too high, and the boy going down the zip line would confirm that. However, there is someone in this video who fails hilariously, and he is not even the one going down the zip line. LOL! The man holding a rope attached to the zip line got pulled down when the young boy was going down the zip line. What a hilarious sight!

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