Ep#461 Neil Twa: E-Commerce Secrets: How a Father of Four Built a Multi-Million Dollar Empire

2 months ago

Full episode details here: ⁠https://links.growthandscaling.com/461

Join Neil Twa, CEO of Voltage Holdings, LLC, as he reveals his 17 years of e-commerce success in physical products and branding! Discover how he used Amazon FBA, TikTok, and Shopify to drive growth and achieved seven figures in revenues by 2014-2015 with multiple businesses.

Learn his killer strategies, including a launch plan that generated $5,000 daily from a bed sheet line in just eight days, and how he tackled product development setbacks and financial challenges in the oil and gas sector.
Want more insights? Check out E-Commerce Secrets: How a Father of Four Built a Multi-Million Dollar Empire! Remember to like, share, and subscribe!

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Ways to connect with Neil Twa:   
🔗 Website: https://www.voltagedm.com/
🔗 Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/voltagefba/
🔗 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fbabusinessbuilders/
🔗 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@NeilTwavoltage/
🔗 Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neiltwa/
🔗 Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neiltwa/
🔗 Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neiltwa/
🔗 Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/voltage-holdings-llc/

What’s in this episode:
00:58 Who is today’s guest, and what does he do?
00:58 How does he balance family and e-commerce?
01:24  What niche does he focus on and how does he expand brands across channels?
01:43 Why does he start with Amazon FBA?
02:44 How has he built and scaled businesses since 2012?
03:34 What challenges does he face with product success?
04:20 How does he innovate without inventing?
05:26 What products does he avoid, and why?
07:37 What’s an example of a successful product?
08:34 What other products does he sell and scale?
09:54 What makes his differentiation strategy unique?
11:12 Why do some founders struggle to innovate?
11:54 How does he handle excuses blocking execution?
13:12 How does he scale a product to profit?
14:12 What process does he follow for successful product launches?
15:22 Does he work on client brands or his own?
15:58 How does he manage operations without a large team?
18:36 What opportunities does he offer aspiring operators?
19:56 What happened when he tried managing logistics in-house?
20:04 How has Amazon's logistics system changed his approach?
21:01 How does he balance finding products, manufacturers, and distribution?
21:17 What is his strategy for working with international manufacturers?
21:53 Why is he prioritizing onshore manufacturing?
22:05 What motivates him to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.?
22:19 What mistakes has he made with people, processes, and tools?
22:57 How did he handle setbacks with analytics and tool development?
24:23 Why does he protect intellectual property and lead data?
24:34 What results has he achieved with his unique process?
25:08 What is his exit strategy for scaling businesses?
25:35 How did market conditions impact his acquisition plans?
28:31 How does he support the full business lifecycle with partners?
28:46 What role does his partner play in their ventures?

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