HOOD CONSERVATIVE EP 14 feat Trevian Kutti, Leticia Perkins and Benji Irby

2 months ago

In this episode of the Hood Conservative host Lavern Spicer is joined by special guests Trevian, Leticia and Benji as they dive into the key political issues shaping America today. The conversation is full of excitement and passion as Laverne and her guests discuss the positive shifts they’re seeing under conservative leadership, from strong border control policies to economic recovery and fiscal responsibility.

The group reflects on the ongoing challenges, including the billions in aid sent to Ukraine, and the need for a tougher stance on immigration. Laverne and her guests make a bold case for ending illegal immigration and discuss how Americans can take action to support stronger border enforcement. They also touch on the disturbing impact of sanctuary cities, particularly in California, and the ongoing failure of certain political figures to improve conditions in their districts, like Maxine Waters.

A particularly heated moment occurs when the group addresses California's controversial policies, including the renaming of "pedophiles" as "minor-attracted persons" and the state's soft approach to crime. The guests express their frustration with both political leaders and religious figures who they feel have failed their communities, while also discussing the harmful impact of policies that enable criminal behavior and neglect the welfare of vulnerable populations.

Recorded Nov 14, 2024

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